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Evaluation for photography   The camera used for the photos was a Samsung galaxy s6 as I wanted to take photos with it as the quality of a s6 is really clear, however with one of the images it is a screenshot of when I went to mountains, the dimenoses of the image ae 640*1136. The resolution is 96 ppi as it was a screenshot. The main focus was a look out to the Atlas Mountains, with the location being in morocco outdoors in a car, the lighting may not be the clearest as it was natural sunlight and when the image was being taking the sky was not sunny enough for the image to be bright enough. There was no camera support as it was taking from a phone    the reason for me choosing this image is because I found it to be good as it gives an overview of the mountains and whilst it isn’t the clearest it still looks good. There is no copyright issue as I took the image, and the image was taking outside. My second image which was an image of a hotel that I visited, not the one I st

screen shot of audio


audio podcast Soundcloud


 Evaluation I feel as if I have meet the brief as set by culture  east because the target audience was young people and I related it to that by talking a bit about football and most young people like football. The topic I chose was how the media lies and how certain newspapers like the sun are not the best of newspapers. The formant I set it up in was in a podcast, this is because I wanted to talk about this certain topic as it was very important and needed to get out there, as some people need to learn these things. The news segment sort of fits into my original ideas as firstly I planned to talk just about how the media lie, I went a bit off topic but I feel as if I did well to keep the topic at hand the strengths of my audio piece is that I managed to keep it to max time frame which was 5 minutes and min was over 3 minutes long. Another strength was that I edited in a new software and learnt it. However the way I needed to improve my audio piece is If I was bit clear and loude


How the media lie to  us, as young people Dialogue Hi, my name is Aaron and in today’s podcast I will be talking about how the media are liars, how some newspapers are very unreliable and how there make people angry. First of all I want to talk how newspapers don’t tell us the full story, a way of explaining this is folding an image into 4 different pieces, and the media only show ¼ of the image. Now take your mind back to the tragic events of the London bridge attack, it was upsetting and when I remember that day I was scared despite being no-where near the attack , and the news had to report it, and what does the sun do, instead if reporting about the attack, there decide to report about how the terriost  was Arsenal fan, and that enraged people to the max, even myself as it wasn’t fair, all the contervestry with one article, because the sun report something so idiotic, since then so many people have been wanting to sun to be banned. The media ALWAYS lie to us as there are most