
Showing posts from February, 2017

photography review

The camera studio Before you take the pictures with the lights, you will need to turn the main lights off as the picture won’t come out better compared to if it was order to turn on there will be a wavy line which you need to turn and it will be on . The beep indication means that it is on, for also when you turn the flash dial the brightness has increased or decreased. The lights don’t heat up, however there is metal ring which heats up and may burn your hand. Depending   on how many lights there are you will always have a point lighting, so for example if you have 3 lights it will be called 3 point lighting, or 4 point lighting will have 4 lights set up. The light dial is 1-6, with 1 being the lowest and 6 being the highest. All the lights are infared so when you flash one there will all flash. Always make sure the backdrop and where you are shooting      is 5-6 inches away. The reflectors bounce light. also before you do all of this ask Scott beforehand This is the he