The advert campaign
The mood is sad at first, as the point of focus is to focus on the children who have been bullied and the colour is dull as it is black and white. And you can see the children who are now famous all sad and upset, this connotes the bullying and how there feel also the typefaces is almost like a presentation of them before and after, as before there were sad now there are happy and all successful which meant that the photos were all colour to connote the happiness.
the idegoldy is personal ideogly as each of one them had been bullied but it is how there had overcome the fear and them now
the idegoldy is personal ideogly as each of one them had been bullied but it is how there had overcome the fear and them now
.Poster –
The poster text and image links as the image is off Barack Obama and the text tells you to vote for him, the point of focuses Barack Obama himself as he is the candidate for the president of USA
the color scheme is based off the Americea colors, Red white and blue. You cans ee in small text where to go to vote for him, this tells us that you can vote for him in many different ways. The most important part of the poster is his face as he is the one you should vote for.
the color scheme is based off the Americea colors, Red white and blue. You cans ee in small text where to go to vote for him, this tells us that you can vote for him in many different ways. The most important part of the poster is his face as he is the one you should vote for.
The mood is traditional as you you can see his face and the text
The ideology is political and you can see it says “vote” so you must vote for him
The ideology is political and you can see it says “vote” so you must vote for him
Web design
The idegloldy is also politicali, and the point of focus is Donald trump as it is his website and why and how you can vote for the 45th USA president. The color like the poster is Red,white and blue which show the colors of USA . you can see many different things for example photos of him or his social media where he updtes the citzens of USA
1A.3 (Level 1 pass) you have summarised how message and meaning are conveyed in one existing examples of graphic design from x3 media sector.
ReplyDeleteAaron you have made a good start here covering some key areas to identify how meanings and messages are communicated across x3 media sectors.
Task 2B is a report on the PURPOSE of each and not highlighting again the technical elements.
Good examples chosen, you have analysed each product looking at the graphic elements.
In order to push up to a merit you will need to use the correct subject terminology stated in brief when analysis and explaining the technical elements of each graphic design.
This is not detailed enough - this report is for all three products analysed in Task 2.A where you need to explain how the technical elements were used to convey meaning covering:
• Mood and atmosphere, e.g. urban, traditional, reliable, cutting edge, dynamic
• Genre, e.g. horror, romance, comedy
• Ideology: values, e.g. political, religious or personal ideology, corporate values
• Brand identity, e.g. humorous, formal, classic, youthful.
How is this achieved through the use of;
• composition
• point of focus
• colour
• scale
• proportion
• basic semiotics
• typography
• lettering
• hierarchy
• line
• shape
• Legibility.
For motion graphics this would also include (in addition to the above):
• sequences of transformations
• pace and timing of motion
• use of audio, sound.
What needs to be learnt For web-design graphics this would also include (in addition to the above):
• navigation
• use of grid (structure)
• interactivity: dynamic or static content
• Use of imagery.
Always check the brief when completing work as this is requested as a PowerPoint or Prezi
Proof read!
Missing Task 2.A??